
Saturday, 1 April 2023



2. Wireless Machine-to-Machine Healthcare Solution Using Android, 3. Wireless Machine to Machine (M2M) based e- Healthcare, 4. Design And Evaluation Of Wireless Machine To Machine Healthcare, 5. Wireless MachineetoeMachine Healthcare Solution Using Android, 6. Wireless Machine to Machine Healthcare Solution in, 7. personal healthcare system based on machine -to- machine, 8. application of machine-to-machine communication in healthcare, 9. (M2M) healthcare system with mobile device in global networks, 10. Wireless Machine-to-Machine Healthcare Solution Using Android, 11. Advanced Health Monitoring and Receiving Using, 12. Mobile Cloud-Computing-Based Healthcare Service by, 13. Raspberry-Pi Based Health Monitoring System, 14. Wireless Sensor-Based Smart-Clothing Platform for ECG Monitoring, 15. Advanced Wireless Telemedicine application using, 16. Mobile Devices and Apps for Health Care Professionals: Uses and, 17. A Survey of E-Healthcare Information System based on Android, 18. Machine-to-Machine Solutions for Health Care - Wireless Products for, 19. WIRELESS HEALTH CARE MONITORING APPLICATION USING, 20. Low Delay and Secure M2M Communication, 21. A WSN based System for Enhancing Intra Mobility Solution for, 22. An energy aware end-to-end trust mechanism for IoT healthcare, 23. EasyM2M Technologies Private Ltd, India. SmartKavach Solution, 24. How To Improve Healthcare Systems With IoT and Big Data, 25. international journal of research in computer applications and robotics, 26. Design of a Healthcare Monitoring System Using Wearable and, 27. WIRELESS MACHINE TO MACHINE HEALTH CARE SOLUTION, 28. Wireless ECG, Heartbeat and Body temperature Monitoring System Using ZigBee & LabVIEW, 29. Home Automation Control Devices Wireless Bluetooth Using Android Smartphone, 30. Digital Electronic Password Protected Security Code Lock System, 31. Arduino Portable Weather Monitor, temperature, LDR, humidity, using DHT11 and LCD, 32. Smart Medicine Box - (Smart medicine-box for elderly people) - Android Speaker app, 33. Remote Override of Traffic signal in Emergency, 34. The Real Time RFID Based Vehicle License Plate Identification & Security System, 35. An ARM7 LPC2148 Based Temperature Measurement System Using CAN Protocol Implementation, 36. AUTOMATIC ENGINE LOCKING SYSTEM FOR DRUNKEN DRIVERS USING ALCOHOL SENSOR, 37. THE RESEARCH ON ZIGBEE BAED COAL MINE SAFETY MONITORING & ALERTING SYSTEM, 38. Vehicle Accident Automatic Detection Using MEMS, GSM, GPS & Cortex M3, 39. WIRELESS DTMF BASED MOBILE CELL PHONE CONTROLLED ROBOT, 40. Home Automation - Industrial Parameters Monitoring Using WiFi | Android - Arduino Mega 2560, 41. Intelligent Sensing Devices and Sensor Signal Processing (SPO2, ECG,TEMP) Using W.S.N and MSP430, 42. Voice Controlled Home Automation Using Zigbee, 43. EMERGENCY ALERT FOR WOMEN SAFETY WITH LOCATION TRACKING, 44. WIRELESS MACHINE TO MACHINE HEALTH CARE SOLUTION USING ANDROID MOBILE DEVICES, 45. Body Movement Recognition Using Embedded System For Coma Person, 46. Architecture Escort Structural Health Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network, 47. Wireless detection of LPG and Fire sensors in Industrial applications, 48. BIOMETRIC FINGER PRINT BASED BANK LOCKER SECURITY USING ARM7 AND GSM TECHNOLOGY, 49. GPS based Automated Public Transport Fare Collection System Based on Distance Traveled by Passenger, 50. DEVELOPMENT OF COAL MINE SAFETY SYSTEM USING GSM, 51. INTELLIGENT VEHICLE CONTROL SYSTEM, 52. PEN DRIVE TO PEN DRIVE DATA TRANSFER USING RASPBERRY PI, 53. DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF IOT BASED GPS-GPRS VEHICLE ACCIDENT DETECTION AND TRACKING, 54. DEVELOPMENT OF FINGERPRINT ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING BIOMETRICS DISPLAY ON PC, 55. Child Saver Machine & Wireless Monitoring Of Child in Borehole Rescue Operation System, 56. DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF LOW COST HOME SECURITY SYSTEM USING GSM NETWORK, 57. IOT Based INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE MONITORING DISPLAY ON WEBPAGE USING ETHERNET AND LAB VIEW, 58. Arduino Smart Home Automation | Wi-Fi Home Automation - Arduino | Android Wi-Fi Home Automation, 59. Home Automation Using TV Remote Controller (IR-Infrared Remote Control), 60. Color Detection based Object Sorting By using Matlab, 61. Smart Bin-Garbage and Waste Collection Management solution for Smart Cities with sensors, 62. Bluetooth : Remote Access of Domestic Resources in Residential Houses using Smart Phones, 63. Arduino Based Smart Home Automation Using Android Bluetooth Voice Commands – IOT, 64. WiFi Based Personal Health Monitoring System Using Android - ESP8266 Module, 65. RFID INTERFACING WITH ARM11 RASPBERRY PI EMBEDDED LINUX, 66. IOT Vehicle Positioning System with Exact Location Address Based On ARM11 Raspberry Pi, 67. Raspberry Pi Based Wireless Home Appliances Monitoring and Control System Using GSM – SMS,

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