
Saturday, 1 April 2023



2. Emergency Alert For Women Safety With Location Tracking Using, 3. self defense system for women safety with location tracking, 4. Android Based Women Tracking System Using GPS and, 5. emergency alert application to ensure saftey for woman using, 6. All in one Intelligent Safety System for Women Security - International, 7. Women Safety Device and Application-FEMME - Indian Journal of, 8. one touch alarm system for women’s safety using gsm ppt, 9. womens security system, 10. self security through gps based protection system, 11. one touch alarm system for women's safety using gsm circuit diagram, 12. ieee xplore, 13. Women security application, 14. Smart Cab for women safety, 15. 16 Smart Personal Security Devices and Apps, 16. Intelligent Safety & Location Tracking Device for Old Age & Women, 17. women security system using gsm and gps, 18. GSM and GPS Embedded Live Projects for Engineering Students, 19. A Mobile Based Women Safety Application (I Safe Apps), 20. Research on Emergency Call and Location Tracking, 21. a survey on android applications for personal security, 22. AVR Microcontroller Based Wearable Jacket for Women Safety, 23. Personal Safety Triggering System on Android Mobile Platform, 24. Bluetooth Aided Safety Band for Women, 25. smart girls security system - International Journal of Application, 26. Design And Development Of Women Self Defence Smart, 27. SafeMate – A Smart Personal Safety Device for Women, Children, 28. android based mobile unlocking pattern for emergency support system, 29. Location Update Accuracy in Human Tracking system using Zigbee, 30. IOT Based Projects: Women safety device using internet of things, 31. MSP430G2553 Based Security System Using PIR sensor, 32. Collision Avoidance System Using MSP430G2553, 33. Mobile Motor Controller, 34. Smart Car Parking Lot Management System Using Wireless Sensor Network, 35. A Low Power Wireless Sensor for Online Ambient Monitoring, 36. Liquor Detection through Automatic Motor Locking System Using Arduino, 37. Android Bluetooth Home Automation Using Arduino Uno R3, 38. Alcohol Detection Systems Using Arduino Uno R3, 39. Smart Dustbin An Efficient Garbage Monitoring System, 40. Android Based Home Automation System Using Bluetooth & Voice Command, 41. PC Based LCD Scrolling Message Display, 42. IOT Based Women Safety Using AT89S52, 43. Travolution - An embedded system in a passenger car for road safety, 44. IOT based industrial automation using AT89S52, 45. VEHICLE SAFETY SECURITY USING ,MEMS,TEMP,ALCOHOL,SMOKE,OBSTACLE & THEFT DETECTION WITH ARM7,GSM,GPS, 46. Real Time Patient Health Monitoring and Alarming Using Wireless Sensor Network, 47. GSM based Garbage and waste collection bins overflow indicator, 48. IOT BASED INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION USING ARM7 LPC2148, 49. One Touch Alarm System For Women's Safety Security System, 50. Automatic Accident Detection and Ambulance Rescue System, 51. Low-power wearable ECG monitoring system for multiple-patient remote monitoring, 52. IOT: Smart Home / Home Automation Using Internet of Things (IOT), 53. CAN Based Safety Distance Calculation for Collision Avoidance in Vehicle, 54. Emergency Alert For Women Safety With Location Tracking Using Arduino, 55. Fingerprint Based Attendance System Using GSM with ARM7, 56. ARM7 Based Smart ATM Access & Security System Using Fingerprint Recognition & GSM, 57. GPS And GSM Based Real Time Human Health Monitoring And Alert System For Cardiac Patients, 58. Smart Security Solution for Women based on Internet Of Things - IOT, 59. A Remote Home Security System Based On Wireless Sensor Network using Arduino GPRS, 60. Remote Temperature | GAS | FIRE | LDR | PIR | Sensor's Monitoring on Internet with Arduino GPRS, 61. WSN Based Patient Health Monitoring and Fall Detection Using 3 AXIS Accelerometer Sensors, 62. Vehicle Speed Control and Accident Avoidance System using CAN, 63. Microcontroller based automatic engine locking system for drunken drivers, 64. Zigbee based wireless electronic notice board, 65. Bluetooth Based wireless Notice Display using Android Application, 66. LED Scrolling message Display using 8051, 67. heart beat monitoring system using microcontroller, 68. REMOTE MONITORING AND CONTROLLING OF INDUSTRIAL CONTROLLING USING CAN, 69. Women Safety Security System using 8051 and GPRS, 70. Intelligent Interface Based Voice Activity Detector and Automatic Speech Recognition for Home, 71. Industrial Parameter Monitoring System Using CAN Bus, 72. Mobile Starter For Pumps And Motors For Agriculture Purpose,

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