
Saturday, 1 April 2023

Intelligent Sensing Devices and Sensor Signal Processing (SPO2, ECG,TEMP) Using W.S.N and MSP430

 1. Intelligent Sensing Devices and Sensor Signal Processing (SPO2, ECG,TEMP) Using W.S.N and MSP430,

2. zigbee based wearable remote healthcare monitoring system , 3. Wireless Sensor Networks in Ambient Intelligence - CiteSeerX, 4. Evaluation of a Behind-the-Ear ECG Device for Smartphone Based, 5. Wireless sensor networks for personal health, 6. An Implementation of Hierarchical Signal Processing on Wireless, 7. Wireless Sensor Networks for Healthcare - Computing Research, 8. Hybrid wireless sensor network for homecare monitoring of chronic, 9. healthcare monitoring system - Thapar University, 10. Real time signal processing and analysis on measurement data, 11. Evaluation of a Behind-the-Ear ECG Device for Smartphone Based, 12. China ecg\resp\nibp\spo2\pr\temp Shopping Guide, 13. Real-time detection and classification algorithms for body-centered, 14. Embedded Software for Electrocardiograph Control in a Wireless, 15. Wireless sensor network for health monitoring - New Jersey Institute of, 16. Wireless vital signs monitoring system for ubiquitous healthcare with, 17. Wireless Machine to Machine (M2M) based e- Healthcare, 18. Raspberry Pi: Home Automation Using WiFi ESP8266 - TOP150 NEW, 19. Monitoring Physical Activities Using WBAN, 20. key technical challenges and current implementations of body sensor, 21. Wireless Sensor Network - FTP Directory Listing, 22. Appendix A: Wireless Sensor Development Platforms - Springer Link, 23. Wireless sensor networks: a medical perspective | Rabie Ramadan, 24. MSP430 mixed signal microcontroller based Human health monitoring, 25. SefrinTec - Intelligent Lifting System, Intelligent Sensor Mat, 26. Heart rate and SpO2 sensor + Arduino, 27. ECG Signal Analysis And Arrhythmia Detection On Iot Wearable, 28. ECG Medical Alert Testimony, 29. Wireless Sensor Network Monitoring using High, 30. Wi-Fi based agricultural sensor monitoring system, 31. IOT based Data Logger System for weather monitoring using WSN, 32. GSM Mobile Phone Based LED Scrolling Message Display System, 33. Design and Implementation of Security Systems for Smart Home based on Raspberry Pi & GSM, 34. IOT Based SMART INTELLIGENT SECURITY SYSTEM FOR WOMEN, 35. Design of an Intelligent Voice Controlled Home Automation System Using IOT, 36. AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM OF WATER MONITORING AND CONTROLLING BY USING GSM WITH SOLAR MODULE, 37. Building Automation System Using GRPS IOT, 38. DRIVERLESS METRO TRAIN USING ARDUINO UNO, 39. A Wi-Fi Based Smart Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring Agricultural Environment, 40. Industrial Monitoring System using Lab VIEW and GSM, 41. Hand Talk Assistive Technology for Deaf & Dumb People Using Flex Sensor, 42. Raspberry PI And Wi-Fi Based Home Automation, 43. Android Based Home Appliance Control By Using GSM, 44. Patient Parameter Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi, 45. Implementation of Novel Vehicle Theft Detection Using GPS, GSM and Raspberry Pi, 46. Implementation of Industrial Data Acquisition, management and Guiding using IOT, 47. Design of Medical Data Monitoring by Using Raspberry Pi and LABVIEW, 48. Design of Medical Data Monitoring by Using Raspberry Pi3 and LABVIEW - part2, 49. Distance based Accident Avoidance System using CAN protocol & Tracking through IOT, 50. Underground Cable Fault Detection Based On Arduino, GSM and GPS, 51. Industrial Automation and Control System Using CAN BUS, 52. Baby Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Networks Camera & GSM SMS Alert, 53. wireless two way restaurant ordering system via touch screen, 54. College Bus Information to student through GSM,GPS & IR Sensor’s, 55. Home Automation Using Accelerometer, 56. Fingerprint Based Exam Hall Authentication, 57. Design and Implementation of a Wi-Fi Based Home Automation System, 58. GSM Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board Display through ARM7 and LED, 59. Arduino Based Vehicle Accident Detection With Vibration, Alcohol, Speed Sensor’s, GSM & GPS, 60. A Hospital Healthcare Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Networks, 61. Bluetooth controlled robot using Android mobile, 62. Android SMS App Based Device Switching using Arduino, 63. Monitoring of Physiological Parameters Of Patients Using LABVIEW, 64. Voice Recognition Wireless Home Automation & Sensors Monitoring System Based On Bluetooth, 65. Interfacing of RFID RC522 with Arduino, 66. SMS Based Wireless Home Appliance Control System, 67. Smart Home Automation & Security System Using Arduino, PIR Sensor and Camera with SMS Alert, 68. Smart Surveillance System Using PIR Sensor Camera and GSM ( SMS Alert ), 69. Automatic Irrigation system using Dual Sensor's with Microcontroller AT89S52, 70. Automatic Drunken Drive Prevention in Automobiles, 71. Vehicle Theft Detection Notification And Remote Engine Locking Using Raspberry Pi, 72. 2 load cells using Arduino & hx711, 73. load cell using Arduino,

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